Concessions & Rebates

You may be eligible for a concession or rebate on your electricity bill if you hold a concession card or need help paying your bills.

Energy Bill Relief Scheme

What is the Energy Bill Relief scheme?

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme is an Australian Government rebate provided to all Australian households in 2024-25 to ease cost of living pressures.

How much is the Energy Bill Relief?

$300 per household.

Are you eligible?

All Australian households are eligible for a $300 annual rebate. Please note that embedded networks will be eligible for a rebate through an application to their state and territory government.

How much is the Energy Bill Relief?

There’s no need to apply (unless you live in an embedded network), the $300 energy bill relief will be automatically applied to your electricity bills over the 2024/2025 financial year. The credits will be applied in quarterly installments to your electricity bill from 1 July 2024.

You can find out more about this rebate here.


The following information is specific to South-East Queensland. We’ll be updating this information as we expand our services to other locations.

You can use the information below to check your eligibility for different concessions and rebates, including by browsing our frequently asked questions. Otherwise, to find out more about other assistance you may be eligible for, visit Australian Government Rebates and Assistance and Queensland Government Energy Concessions.

How to register your concession details with us

You can enter your concession card details when you sign up to an Ampol Energy plan online, or you can call us on 13 14 04 (Monday – Friday, 9am-6pm AEST) to apply an eligible concession to your existing Ampol Energy account.

Cost of Living Rebate

What is the Cost of Living Rebate for Households?

The Cost of Living Rebate for Households is a government initiative to support households throughout the 2024-2025 financial year.

All residential energy customers in Queensland are eligible to receive the Cost of Living Rebate for their primary address.

How much is the Cost of Living for Households Rebate?

$1,000 will be automatically credited to eligible residential customer bills from 1 July 2024.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible, residential customers must have an electricity account with their electricity retailer or embedded network provider on 1 July 2024 and be separately metered and charged for their own electricity consumption.

Will switching energy suppliers impact your Cost of Living Rebate?

You’ll still receive the Cost of Living Rebate if you switch energy retailers.

How to apply

There is no need to apply, the rebate will automatically be applied to your electricity account. You can find more about this rebate here.

Queensland electricity rebate

How much is the Queensland Electricity Rebate?

$372.20 per year (GST inclusive) paid on a daily basis.

Are you eligible?

The Queensland Electricity Rebate may be available to people who have any of the below:

  • Queensland Seniors Card
  • Services Australia or Department of Veterans' Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
  • Services Australia Health Care Card* (Electricity Rebate only)
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card (and receive the War Widow/er Pension or special rate TPI Pension)
  • Asylum seeker status—residents will need to provide their ImmiCard details (Electricity Rebate only).

* This includes holders of a Low Income Health Card Card and Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card.

To be eligible, you must be the electricity account holder and also live alone or share your principal place of residence with (only) any of the below:

  • Your spouse
  • Other people who hold a Services Australia or Department of Veterans' Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Queensland Seniors Card
  • Other people wholly dependent on you
  • Other people who receive an income support or families payment from Services Australia who do not pay rent
  • Other people who receive an income support payment from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and who do not pay rent
  • Other people who live with the cardholder to provide care and assistance, and who do not pay rent.

If you live in a caravan park or multi-unit residential building (e.g. apartment), you must also show that your electricity is paid, based on metered consumption.

Please note: holders of a Foster Child Health Care Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are not eligible for the electricity rebate.

Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme

How much is the payment?

One-off assistance in paying your energy bill, up to $720 once every 2 years.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible you must be responsible for paying the outstanding bill and meet one of the following:

  • hold a current concession card, or
  • have an income equal to or less than the Australian Government’s maximum income rate for part-age pensioners; contact Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs for details of the maximum income rate
  • be part of Ampol’s hardship program or on a payment plan.

You must also have experienced:

  • a substantial decrease in your household income (e.g. loss/decrease of employment hours, family separation), or
  • high unexpected expenses on essential items.

We may ask you to provide documents or receipts for repairs/purchases to verify this information.

You can find out more about this scheme here.

Life Support Concessions

You may be eligible for Life Support Equipment concessions and rebates offered by the Queensland State or Federal Government. You can find out more about Queensland Government’s electricity life support concession here.

Medical Cooling and Heating Electricity Concession Scheme

If you have a chronic medical condition, such as multiple sclerosis, autonomic system dysfunction, significant burns or a servere inflammatory skin condition, which is aggravated by changes in temperature, you may be eligible for help with your electricity costs. You can find out more about the Queensland Government’s Medical Cooling and Heating Electricity Concession Scheme here.


The following information is specific to customers in New South Wales. New South Wales energy rebates and programs are funded by the NSW Government.

You can use the information below to check your eligibility for different rebates, schemes or payments. Otherwise, to find out more about other assistance you may be eligible for, visit Australian Government Rebates and Assistance and New South Wales Government Find an energy rebate.

Rebates, schemes and payments

Information about the different schemes available from third parties and government that may be available to you appears below. We endeavour to keep the dollar figures cited up to date. However, they may change from time to time.

Low Income Household Rebate

What is the Low Income Household Rebate?

The Low Income Household Rebate is designed to assist eligible customers pay their electricity bills.

How much is the Low Income Household Rebate?

The rebate appears as credit on each electricity bill issued to an eligible customer (calculated on a daily basis), up to the total of $285 per household, per financial year.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for a Low Income Household Rebate you must:

  • have an electricity account for your home in NSW
  • be the account holder for the electricity account (meaning the account and bill must be in your name)
  • hold a:
    1. Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia (SA)/Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA); or
    2. Health Care Card issued by SA; or
    3. DVA Gold Card marked with either:
      • War Widow or War Widower Pension;
      • Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI); or
      • Disability Pension (EDA).

You can find out more about this rebate at

How to apply

You will need to provide us with your eligible concession card details. Please call our Customer Service Team on 13 14 04 (Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm Sydney time) to provide your concession card details or include your concession card details when signing up to Ampol Energy online. We can also provide you with an application form on request via phone or email. Once completed you will need to return this back to us by email or post.


Post: Ampol Energy PO Box 568, East Melbourne, VIC 8002

Life Support Energy Rebate

What is the Life Support Energy Rebate?

The Life Support Energy Rebate is designed to assist eligible customers pay their electricity bills where they, or another person who lives at their home require the use of approved life support equipment at home.

How much is the Life Support Energy Rebate?

The rebate appears as a credit on each electricity bill issued to an eligible customer (calculated on a daily basis), up to the total of $1,343 per household, per financial year.

However, the daily rate received by an eligible customer will vary depending on the type of approved life support equipment in use in the home, and in some cases, the frequency of the use (as some equipment has a part-time or full-time (24 hour a day) daily rate). For details of the daily rates applicable to each type of approved life support equipment see here.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for the Life Support Energy Rebate you must:

  • have an electricity account for your home in NSW
  • be the account holder for the electricity account (meaning the account and bill must be in your name); and
  • complete a valid application form, signed by a registered medical practitioner to verify that you, or someone living at your home, requires the use of the approved life support equipment at their principal place of residence.

You can find out more about this rebate at

How to apply

You will need to provide us with a copy of the completed application form by email or post. You can find the application form here.


Post: Ampol Energy, PO Box 568, East Melbourne, VIC 8002

Medical Energy Rebate

What is the Medical Energy Rebate?

The Medical Energy Rebate is designed to assist eligible customers pay their electricity bills where they hold a relevant concession card and they, or someone living at their home, have an inability to self-regulate their body temperature in extreme environmental temperatures (hot or cold). An inability to self-regulate body temperature may be associated with certain medical conditions.

How much is the Medical Energy Rebate?

The rebate appears as a credit on each electricity bill issued to an eligible customer (calculated on a daily basis), up to the total of $285 per household, per financial year.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for the Medical Energy Rebate you must:

  • have an electricity account for your home in NSW;
  • be the account holder for the electricity account (meaning the account and bill must be in your name);
  • hold a:
    1. Pensioner Concession Card issued by SA/DVA; or
    2. SA Health Care Card; or
    3. DVA Gold Card; and
  • complete a valid application form, signed by a registered medical practitioner to verify that either you, or someone living at your home, has an inability to self-regulate body temperature.

You can find out more about this rebate here.

How to apply

You will need to provide us with a copy of the completed application form by email or post.


Post: Ampol Energy, PO Box 568, East Melbourne, VIC 8002

Family Energy Rebate

What is the Family Energy Rebate?

The Family Energy Rebate is designed to assist eligible customers with dependent children, who received the Commonwealth Government’s Family Tax Benefit in the previous financial year, pay their electricity bills.

How much is the Family Energy Rebate?

The rebate is:

  • $180 per household, per financial year; OR
  • $20 per household, per financial year, if the eligible customer also receives the Low Income Household Rebate.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for the Family Energy Rebate you must:

  • have an electricity account for your home in NSW;
  • be the account holder for the electricity account (meaning the account and bill must be in your name); and
  • have received the Family Tax Benefit in the previous financial year and have:

    • lodged your tax return for the last financial year with the Australian Tax Office; and

    • finalised your entitlement to the Family Tax Benefit payments with Centrelink.

You can find out more information about this rebate here.

How to apply

You must apply to the NSW Government directly for the Family Energy Rebate. Please visit Service NSW to apply online or find out how to lodge an application form by post.

Seniors Energy Rebate

What is the Seniors Energy Rebate?

The Seniors Energy Rebate is designed to assist eligible customers, who are self-funded retirees and hold a current Commonwealth Seniors Health Card to help cover the cost of their electricity bills.

How much is the Seniors Energy Rebate?

The rebate is $200 per household, per financial year.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for the Seniors Energy Rebate you must:

  • hold a current Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card issued by SA/DVA;
  • be the account holder named on the electricity bill;
  • be a self-funded retiree living in NSW; and
  • be applying for the rebate for your main place of residence.

You can find out more information about this rebate here.

How to apply

You must apply to the NSW Government directly for the Senior Energy Rebate. Please visit Service NSW to apply online or find out how to apply in person at a Services NSW Centre.

Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA)

What is EAPA?

EAPA is a NSW Government scheme designed to help residential customers who are experiencing difficulty paying their energy bill owning to a short-term financial crisis or emergency (e.g. loss of income, unexpected medical costs, natural disaster, receiving a disconnection letter).

How much is EAPA?

Eligible customers may receive one or more $50 EAPA vouchers, which can be used for paying their electricity or natural gas bill.

Are you eligible?

To be eligible for EAPA you must:

  • have an electricity or natural gas account for your home in NSW;
  • be the account holder for the electricity or natural gas account (meaning the account and bill must be in your name);
  • have not paid your most recent bill (and that bill must be for an account that is still open); and
  • be having a short-term financial crisis or emergency and finding it hard to pay your recent energy bill.

You can find out more about this rebate here.

How to apply

You must apply to the NSW Government or an approved Non-Government EAPA provider (such as the Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul etc.), directly for EAPA. Please visit Service NSW to apply online or find out how you can apply in person or over the phone with a Non-Government EAPA provider.

However, if you are experiencing trouble paying your bills, please also get in contact with our Customer Service Team on 13 14 04 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm Sydney time). We can discuss assistance as part of our Ampol Energy Assistance hardship program as well as any assistance available through EAPA.

New South Wales Energy Rebate Information in Community Languages

Arabic معلومات دعم الفواتير في ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز

Chinese Simplified 新南威尔士州能源返款信息

Chinese Traditional 新南威爾士州能源費返款資訊

Punjabi ਨਿਊ ਸਾਊਥ ਵੇਲਜ਼ ਊਰਜਾ ਛੋਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ

Vietnamese Thông tin về Giảm giá Năng lượng ở New South Wales