If you're an Ampol Energy customer and have been directly impacted by Cyclone Alfred, we’re here to help. More information is available here. Need to contact us? Call 13 14 04 or email customerservice@ampolenergy.com.au.

Emergency Information & Support

Safety First

Your safety is our top priority.

If you require emergency medical assistance during a power outage or any other emergency, please call 000.

Financial support

We have temporarily paused billing and credit recovery action to customers in affected networks. However, we expect to recommence at the end of this week. A delay in receiving your bill won't result in any additional impact to your electricity supply.

Once you receive your bill, should you need more time to pay or the opportunity to pay any outstanding amounts in instalments, please contact our customer service team on 13 14 04 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm Sydney time). You are most welcome to contact us to discuss your situation, and we'll try to assist you the best we can in this difficult time.

Moving house?

Distributors in impacted areas are focused on reconnecting customers following the cyclone. If you're moving to a new premises there is a chance your distributor may not be able to complete your move-in connection by your requested date. If you're not sure, please give us a call on 13 14 04 so we can confirm your likely connection date and see how we can help.

Have solar?

More information is available from your distributor:

SE-QLD: Energex solar power safety guide

Northern NSW: Essential Energy solar power safety guide

More information and government resources

Services Australia: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/natural-disaster-support?context=60042

NSW: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/services/emergencies-and-natural-disasters

QLD: https://www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies